Tuesday 13 November 2012

Hello I dont know your name but I love you!

We have three beautiful oriental poppies flowering in the garden now, bought as individual plants from Lambley's about 3 years ago and they have self-seeded to about four plants each now, a long wait but so worth it! The first are loved by my mum and I - Papaver orientale "Raspberry Queen"  and Papaver orientale ‘Fatima’.

 I don't know why Mum does not like at all the last un-named orange that is growing most successfully, I love it and love it more because It has been so unreasonably maligned - much to my benefit though as mum keeps digging it up and I get an instant happy family of I believe "Allegro". Do let me know if you recognize this vibrant lovely oriental?

I highly recommend these poppies as a seasonal flourish as they seem to float across the garden like giant dinner plates - they are at least 10 inches/25cm across. In late Autumn the seed heads make great dried flower displays as well.

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Please remember to be kind, it's a nicer way to live and grow in the garden.